
These questions test your verbal reasoning skills. This includes your testing vocabulary, a logical approach, your ability to determine patterns within words and your ability to manipulate words.

Verbal - "Word-Letter Codes"


The code for BABY is CBCZ. Work out the code for FOAL

On the answer sheet you are given five answer options to choose from.


The answers are worked out by a process of elimination, for example if you work out that the first letter is “G” then you can eliminate answer options “D” and “E”, as they cannot be the answers. The method is a simple counting forward or backward technique.
You are going to look at the connection between the letters in BABY and the letters in the code CBCZ. B → C A → B B → C Y → Z

B to C is forward one place. So you move forward one place with the “F” in FOAL. This gives the first letter to the code “G”.

This means answer options “D” and “E” can be eliminated.

A to B is forward one place. So you move forward one place with the “O” in FOAL. This gives the second letter in the code “P”.

This means answer option “A” can be eliminated.

The second B to C is forward one place. So you move forward one place with the “A” in FOAL. This gives the third letter in the code “B”.

This means answer option “C” can be eliminated.

So the answer must be answer option “B”, GPBM.

You do not have to work out the last letter, because the answer can only be option “B”.